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Our company

Fenice Italia by Colombo S.a.s. is located in Pesaro, in Marche region. With our brands Fenice Italia, Satombath and Exclusive Italian, we are present on the national and international markets, our success is due to the quality and safety of our products. The research and development, as well as the attention to detail and design, lead to innovations that anticipate new trends of made in Italy.

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Our  products


Classic furniture

Furniture that evokes ancient, unique and classic traditions.


Modern furniture

Modern and essential furnishings. For lovers of minimal style.


Bathtub & accessories

Bathtubs and accessories to furnish your bathroom with style.

Featured collection:  ELEGANT

The Elegant collection is meant as a mix between a contemporary-modern design and a vintage retro’ one. It’s shapes easily adapt to classic location, thanks to the timeless match between marble and wood. An exclusive handle and the legs in trunk of a pyramid shape, are going to enrich the whole picture. Doors have an elegant frame with the same retro’ style.

Discover all the classic furniture collections
Italian Design

Research and development and attention for the details we bring ad innovations that anticipate the new made in italy trends